Nezumikozo Jirokichi
📜 Overview: Legendary anime director Rintaro’s (Metropolis, X/1999, Galaxy Express 999) first new work in over a decade depicts pioneering 1930s director Sadao Yamanaka and the production of his Nezumikozo Jirokichi. Despite dying before the age of 30, Yamanaka was a pivotal influence in Japanese cinema whose work would go on to inspire future generations. While most of his films have been lost to time, his scripts remain, and Nezumikozo Jirokichi recreates one of these lost films—a tale of a famous, virtuous bandit in old Edo—as imagined by Rintaro together with an all-star team including Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira, Memories), Taro Maki (Pluto, Millennium Actress) and Masao Maruyama (Ninja Scroll, Perfect Blue).
🌏 Languages Available: Japanese
📆 Date Released: 2023-03-20
⌚ Running Time: 24 mins
⭐ Vote Average: 0.0

Beloved Cast

Mami Koyama original image
Speaker (voice)
Mami Koyama
Michitake Kikuchi original image
Michitake Kikuchi
Takahiro Sumi original image
Takahiro Sumi
Yuuki Hoshi original image
Yuuki Hoshi

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