Empire of Kids
πŸ“œ Overview: Following a stint in reform school, Ryu (Shinsuke Shimada) returns to his home, the Minami area of Osaka, accompanied by his new friend Ko (Takeshi Masu). He's greeted by his friends, Chabo (Ryusuke Matsumoto) and Ken (Bang-ho Cho). They seek to forge their own path through a multitude of rival gangs in Kita and Minami, including the Hokushin Alliance, backed by the yakuza, the Hope Association, and various other minor factions, including Zainichi Korean groups. What follows is a wild, fast-paced story of violence, revenge, betrayal, and discrimination, that never loses its sense of humor.
🌏 Languages Available: Japanese
πŸ“† Date Released: 1981-07-04
⌚ Running Time: 115 mins
⭐ Vote Average: 5.0

Beloved Cast

Shinsuke Shimada original image
Shinsuke Shimada
Ryusuke Matsumoto original image
Ryusuke Matsumoto
Bang-ho Cho original image
Bang-ho Cho
Yoshiaki Fujita original image
Yoshiaki Fujita
Keisuke original image
Makoto Kitano original image
Makoto Kitano
Takeshi Masu original image
Takeshi Masu
KΓ΄ji Naka original image
KΓ΄ji Naka
Tokuko Watanabe original image
Tokuko Watanabe
Takashi Yamamoto original image
Takashi Yamamoto
Ren Osugi original image
Ren Osugi
Jun Kunimura original image
Jun Kunimura

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