Laughter and Punishment
📜 Overview: French director Isabelle Doval directs her husband, popular comedic actor José Garcia, in the comedy Rire et Chatiment (Laughter and Punishment). Vincent (Garcia) is a popular physician whose aggressive need to be funny and get people's attention annoys his girlfriend, Camille (Doval), to the point that she leaves him. He begins to suspect she might have been onto something when his behavior begins causing people to die.
🌏 Languages Available: French
📆 Date Released: 2003-01-28
⌚ Running Time: 94 mins
⭐ Vote Average: 5.471

Beloved Cast

José Garcia original image
Vincent Roméro
José Garcia
Laurent Lucas original image
Laurent Lucas
Philippe Uchan original image
Philippe Uchan
Isabelle Doval original image
Camille Sétine
Isabelle Doval
Benoît Poelvoorde original image
Le prof de secourisme
Benoît Poelvoorde
Delphine Bibet original image
la libraire russe
Delphine Bibet
Bénédicte Charpiat original image
Jeune femme
Bénédicte Charpiat
Véronique Picciotto original image
Véronique Picciotto
Judith El Zein original image
Judith El Zein
Valérie Benguigui original image
Valérie Benguigui
Ahcène Nini original image
Ahcène Nini
Alain Bouzigues original image
Le dragueur dans la rue
Alain Bouzigues
François Berland original image
Barman bar billard
François Berland
Jean-Marie Lamour original image
Jean-Marie Lamour
Marie Mergey original image
Madame Bourdier
Marie Mergey
Renaud Rutten original image
Chauffeur de taxi
Renaud Rutten

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