Rui Ka Bojh
πŸ“œ Overview: The story revolves around a self-respecting, wise old Indian man, who decides to divide his wealth and property among his sons and then let them take care of them. But all doesn't go according to his plans as his sons don't want to take his responsibility and things start going downhill for the family from there. It's a journey of old-age, family values, love and respect for your family and responsibility.
🌏 Languages Available: Hindi
πŸ“† Date Released: 1997-01-01
⌚ Running Time: 117 mins
⭐ Vote Average: 8.8

Beloved Cast

Pankaj Kapur original image
Kishan Shah
Pankaj Kapur
Reema Lagoo original image
Reema Lagoo
Raghubir Yadav original image
Ram Sharan
Raghubir Yadav
V.M. Badola original image
V.M. Badola
Sri Chand Makhija original image
Sri Chand Makhija
Uday Nene original image
Uday Nene
Amey Ambulkar original image
Amey Ambulkar
Rohan Mishra original image
Rohan Mishra

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