The Electric Piper
📜 Overview: Based on the classic tale of the Pied Piper, this Rock-Opera themed cartoon tells the tale of the 1960s small suburban town of Hamlin, which has been infested with rats. Sly, a Jimi-Hendrix styled guitarist, is hired to take care of the rats with his musical abilities, and is promised a Harley Davidson from the mayor as payment. When he gets cheated out of his payment, he then uses his music to lead the kids to a mountain.
🌏 Languages Available: English
📆 Date Released: 2003-02-02
⌚ Running Time: 68 mins
⭐ Vote Average: 5.7

Beloved Cast

Wayne Brady original image
Sly, The Electric Piper (voice)
Wayne Brady
George Segal original image
Mayor Nick Dixon (voice)
George Segal
Laura San Giacomo original image
Mrs. Robinson (voice)
Laura San Giacomo
Rodney Dangerfield original image
Rat-A-Tat-Tat (voice)
Rodney Dangerfield
Rob Schneider original image
Rinky-Dink-Dink (voice)
Rob Schneider
Robbie Rist original image
Mick Dixon (voice)
Robbie Rist
Lesli Margherita original image
Janis Dixon (voice)
Lesli Margherita
Christine Ebersole original image
Pat Dixon (voice)
Christine Ebersole
Rodney Saulsberry original image
Mr. Jones (voice)
Rodney Saulsberry
Crystal Scales original image
Abby Jones (voice)
Crystal Scales
Bobby Johnson original image
Jerry Jones (voice)
Bobby Johnson
Jennifer Paz original image
Betty Robinson (voice)
Jennifer Paz
Janna Levenstein original image
Veronica Robinson (voice)
Janna Levenstein

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