Gin no Otoko
📜 Overview: One day, nineteen-year-old university student Yuji gets dumped by his girlfriend Keiko for no apparent reason. Sad and baffled by this sudden development, he opens a newspaper and sees an advertisement of an agency called Evening saying they hire hosts to work with female customers. Yuji calls them and soon begins working as a gigolo. In this new job he faces some unexpected trouble at first; however, his kind and honest attitude eventually wins the hearts of his clients.
🌏 Languages Available: Japanese
📆 Date Released: 1992-01-10
⌚ Running Time: 50 mins
⭐ Vote Average: 3.5

Beloved Cast

Rihoko Yoshida original image
Kyoko (voice)
Rihoko Yoshida
Shigeru Nakahara original image
Yuji (voice)
Shigeru Nakahara
Mari Yokoo original image
Shizuko (voice)
Mari Yokoo
Hiroko Emori original image
Mika (voice)
Hiroko Emori
Hideyuki Tanaka original image
Sumio (voice)
Hideyuki Tanaka
Naoko Matsui original image
Keiko (voice)
Naoko Matsui

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