O Segredo de Mona Lisa
πŸ“œ Overview: Two young women try to steal the Mona Lisa painting to bring it back to the children of their neighborhood.
🌏 Languages Available: French
πŸ“† Date Released: 2021-09-01
⌚ Running Time: 6 mins
⭐ Vote Average: 0.0

Beloved Cast

Laura Blanc original image
Valeska (voice)
Laura Blanc
Michel Elias original image
Gilles / Security Agent (voice)
Michel Elias
Nathalie Homs original image
Mona Lisa / Samir / Emerick (voice)
Nathalie Homs
Camille Lamache original image
Salma / Kevin (voice)
Camille Lamache
Sarah Brun Schumacher original image
Mia (voice)
Sarah Brun Schumacher

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