πŸ“œ Overview: The Little Lulu Show is an animated television series, based on the Marjorie Henderson Buell comic book character Little Lulu. The show was produced by CINAR Animation after Marge's death in 1993, and aired on HBO Family and Cartoon Network in the United States and on, CTV, and the Family Channel in Canada from 1995 to 1999. In Canada, reruns are currently being shown on both the English and French versions of Teletoon Retro. The series centered on the life and adventures of Lulu Moppet and Tubby Thompkins. Between stories, they showed stand-up comedy that Lulu hosted. This show is not to be confused with Little Lulu and Her Little Friends, an anime TV series featuring the same characters made in 1976.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 7.6

Beloved Cast

Vanessa Lengies original image
Annie Inch
Vanessa Lengies
Tracey Ullman original image
Little Lulu
Tracey Ullman
Justin Bradley original image
Justin Bradley
Ricky Mabe original image
Ricky Mabe
Dawn Ford original image
Dawn Ford
Sonja Ball original image
Sonja Ball
Arthur Holden original image
Arthur Holden
Pauline Little original image
Pauline Little
Michael Yarmush original image
Michael Yarmush
Susan Glover original image
Susan Glover
Bruce Dinsmore original image
Bruce Dinsmore
Terrence Scammell original image
Terrence Scammell
Michael Caloz original image
Michael Caloz
Ian James Corlett original image
Ian James Corlett
John Stocker original image
John Stocker
Daniel Brochu original image
Daniel Brochu
Jacob Tierney original image
Jacob Tierney
Mark Camacho original image
Mark Camacho
Vlasta Vrana original image
Vlasta Vrana
Anik Matern original image
Anik Matern
Michael Rudder original image
Michael Rudder
Rick Jones original image
Rick Jones
Walter Massey original image
Walter Massey

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