πŸ“œ Overview: The story revolves around Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of Mr. Dashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older half-brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances.
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Beloved Cast

Joanna David original image
Elinor Dashwood
Joanna David
Ciaran Madden original image
Marianne Dashwood
Ciaran Madden
Patricia Routledge original image
Mrs. Jennings
Patricia Routledge
Clive Francis original image
John Willoughby
Clive Francis
Richard Owens original image
Colonel Brandon
Richard Owens
Isabel Dean original image
Mrs. Dashwood
Isabel Dean
Robin Ellis original image
Edward Ferrars
Robin Ellis

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