πŸ“œ Overview: The Magnificent Seven is an American western television series based on the 1960 movie, which is a remake of the Japanese film Seven Samurai. It aired between 1998 and 2000. It was filmed in Newhall, California. The pilot, scripted by Chris Black and Frank Q. Dobbs, was filmed in Mescal, Arizona and the Dragoon Mountains of Arizona, near Tombstone. Robert Vaughn, who had starred in the original 1960 movie, frequently guest-starred as a crusading judge.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.0

Beloved Cast

Eric Close original image
Vin Tanner
Eric Close
Dale Midkiff original image
Buck Wilmington
Dale Midkiff
Anthony Starke original image
Ezra Stendish
Anthony Starke
Michael Biehn original image
Chris Larabee
Michael Biehn
Dana Barron original image
Dana Barron
Laurie Holden original image
Mary Travis
Laurie Holden
Ron Perlman original image
Josiah Sanchez
Ron Perlman
Rick Worthy original image
Nathan Jackson
Rick Worthy
Andrew Kavovit original image
John Dunne
Andrew Kavovit
Alexa PenaVega original image
Olivia Greer
Alexa PenaVega
Tamara Braun original image
Tamara Braun
Fabiana Udenio original image
Inez Rocios
Fabiana Udenio

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