📜 Overview: Tropical Heat is a Canadian action series The plot revolves around private investigator, ex-DEA agent Nick Slaughter who after arriving in the fictional resort town of Key Mariah, Florida and setting up a detective agency there, met up with local tourist agent Sylvie Girard to solve a variety of different cases.
🌏 Languages Available: English
📆 Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.4

Beloved Cast

Rob Stewart original image
Nick Slaughter
Rob Stewart
Carolyn Dunn original image
Sylvie Girard
Carolyn Dunn
Ian Tracey original image
Spider Garvin
Ian Tracey
Alon Nashman original image
Alon Nashman
Ari Sorko-Ram original image
Sgt. Gregory
Ari Sorko-Ram

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