πŸ“œ Overview: Inspired by Jean de Brunhoff and Laurent de Brunhoff's beloved children's books, this animated series tells Babar's life story from the elephant king's point of view, reliving his early days as a young pachyderm with important lessons to learn.
🌏 Languages Available: English , French , German
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.1

Beloved Cast

Dan Lett original image
King Babar (voice)
Dan Lett
Janet-Laine Green original image
Queen Celeste (voice)
Janet-Laine Green
Kyle Fairlie original image
Alexander (voice)
Kyle Fairlie
Kristen Bone original image
Flora (voice)
Kristen Bone
Noah Reid original image
Pom (voice)
Noah Reid
Philip Williams original image
Zephir (voice)
Philip Williams

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