πŸ“œ Overview: The series revolves around Kim Jem Ma, a daughter who has strong desire to take revenge from her heartless mother, who left her father and sick brother in search of love and desire for her success.
🌏 Languages Available: Korean
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 4.4

Beloved Cast

Choi Myung-gil original image
Min Hee Kyung
Choi Myung-gil
So I-hyeon original image
Kim Jem Ma / Kim Jin Ah (Hee Kyung’s daughter)
So I-hyeon
Park Yoon-jae original image
Yoon Gi Suk
Park Yoon-jae
Jung Yoo-min original image
Kwon Hye Bin
Jung Yoo-min
Sunwoo Jae-duk original image
Kwon Hyuk Sang / Kim Hyuk Sang
Sunwoo Jae-duk
Kim Dong-ha original image
Kim Jin Ho
Kim Dong-ha
Han In-soo original image
Yoon Shin Bum
Han In-soo
Yang Geun-seok original image
Lee Kyung Hee
Yang Geun-seok
Kim Yu-seok original image
Kwon Suk Hwan
Kim Yu-seok
Choi Yeong-Wan original image
Kwon Soo Yun
Choi Yeong-Wan

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