πŸ“œ Overview: My Neck is an original live-action anime inspired series, set in a world where the sport (or "art" depending on who you ask) of 'Necking' is common place - in which 'Neckists' compete against each other to slap the back of their opponent's neck for pride and honor.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 0.0

Beloved Cast

Weston Young original image
Neck Kid
Weston Young
Marcus Thompson Jr original image
Elitist Neck
Marcus Thompson Jr
Toolika Sachan original image
Neck Ninja
Toolika Sachan
Bill Reynolds original image
Neck Master
Bill Reynolds
Mike Kowal original image
Porch Guy
Mike Kowal
Alexandra Welch original image
Alexandra Welch
Jonathan Christiano original image
Jonathan Christiano
Billy Horn Altamirano original image
Billy Horn Altamirano
Jason John Beebe original image
Jason John Beebe
Chris Fortin original image
Chris Fortin

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