πŸ“œ Overview: Dr. Gulliver has returned from his journey to his family after a long absence - and tells them the story of his travels.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
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Beloved Cast

Peter O'Toole original image
King of Lilliput
Peter O'Toole
Ted Danson original image
Lemuel Gulliver
Ted Danson
James Fox original image
Dr. Bates
James Fox
John Gielgud original image
Professor of Light
John Gielgud
Omar Sharif original image
Omar Sharif
Kristin Scott Thomas original image
Immortal Gatekeeper
Kristin Scott Thomas
Alfre Woodard original image
Queen of Brobdingnag
Alfre Woodard
Robert Hardy original image
Dr. Parnell
Robert Hardy
Geraldine Chaplin original image
Empress Munodi
Geraldine Chaplin
Edward Fox original image
General Limtoc
Edward Fox
Ned Beatty original image
Farmer Grultrad
Ned Beatty
Edward Woodward original image
Edward Woodward
Mary Steenburgen original image
Mary Gulliver
Mary Steenburgen
Jonny Coyne original image
Jonny Coyne
Nicholas Lyndhurst original image
Nicholas Lyndhurst
John Standing original image
Admiral Bolgolam
John Standing
Warwick Davis original image
Warwick Davis
Tom Sturridge original image
Tom Gulliver
Tom Sturridge
Annette Badland original image
Farmer Grultrud's Wife
Annette Badland
Richard Wilson original image
Professor of Language
Richard Wilson
Navin Chowdhry original image
Prince Munodi
Navin Chowdhry
George Harris original image
Brobdingnag Scientist
George Harris
Abdul Razac Seco original image
Abdul Razac Seco
Karyn Parsons original image
Karyn Parsons
Kate Maberly original image
Kate Maberly
Shashi Kapoor original image
Rajah of Laputa
Shashi Kapoor
Isabelle Huppert original image
Houyhnhnm Mistress (voice)
Isabelle Huppert
John Wells original image
Flimnap The Treasurer
John Wells

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