πŸ“œ Overview: Time Machine is an American game show where contestants compete to answer trivia questions about popular culture and recent history to win prizes. The show aired on NBC from January 7 through April 26, 1985 and was hosted by John Davidson. Charlie Tuna was the announcer, with Rich Jeffries as his substitute. Reg Grundy Productions produced the series, and upon its premiere Time Machine was one of three Grundy series airing on NBC. Most of the questions used focused on nostalgia, popular culture, and recent history, and more specifically what year a particular event occurred. Future Card Sharks model Suzanna Williams appeared as one of the prize models in this series.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
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Beloved Cast

John Davidson original image
John Davidson
Christopher Halsted original image
Christopher Halsted
Charlie O'Donnell original image
Charlie O'Donnell

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