πŸ“œ Overview: The show focuses on the emotional journey of Manav, a simple, loving and devoted husband of Akanksha and a doting father of a 6-year-old, Yatharth. Manav and Akanksha have different points of view on principles and ambition. What will happen when the successful Vaibhav Kapoor enters their lives?
🌏 Languages Available: English , Hindi
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 8.0

Beloved Cast

Abhishek Rawat original image
Manav Bajpayee
Abhishek Rawat
Ramanithu Chaudhary original image
Sakshi Verma Bajpayee
Ramanithu Chaudhary
Chandni Sharma original image
Akanksha "Akku" Awasthi/Kaamna
Chandni Sharma
Manav Gohil original image
Vaibhav Kapoor
Manav Gohil

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