πŸ“œ Overview: Soul Music is a seven-part animated television adaptation of the book of the same name by Terry Pratchett, produced by Cosgrove Hall, and first broadcast on 12 May 1997. It was the first film adaptation of an entire Discworld novel. The series soundtrack was also released on CD, but the disc is now out of production. The soundtrack is, however, now available through iTunes.
🌏 Languages Available: English , German
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.5

Beloved Cast

Christopher Lee original image
Death (voice)
Christopher Lee
Graham Crowden original image
Mustrum Ridcully (voice)
Graham Crowden
Andy Hockley original image
Imp y Celyn (voice)
Andy Hockley
Debra Gillett original image
Susan Sto Helit (voice)
Debra Gillett
Neil Morrissey original image
Mort (voice)
Neil Morrissey
Bernard Wrigley original image
Asphalt (voice)
Bernard Wrigley
Bryan Pringle original image
Albert (voice)
Bryan Pringle

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