๐Ÿ“œ Overview: The 61st NHK Asadora Drama is Asuka. Set in Kyoto in the home of a traditional Japanese candy-maker, Asuka is the story of one young girl's dream to one day walk in her father's shoes and become a top candy-maker in the male-dominated world of wagashi (Japanese confectionery). Asuka grows to be a healthy, adventurous young girl with a deep curiosity and, a desire to become a candy-maker like her father. This NHK drama is one of the best in years with an excellent cast, a well-developed story based on extensive research into the traditional worlds of candy making and the tea ceremony in Kyoto, and beautiful scenery and settings in Kyoto and the surrounding areas.
๐ŸŒ Languages Available: Japanese
๐Ÿ“† Date Released:
โญ Vote Average: 0.0

Beloved Cast

Yuko Takeuchi original image
Yuko Takeuchi
Tomio Umezawa original image
Tomio Umezawa
Naohito Fujiki original image
Naohito Fujiki
Hitomi Sato original image
Hitomi Sato
Yรปko Natori original image
Yรปko Natori
Ineko Arima original image
Ineko Arima
Gannosuke Ashiya original image
Gannosuke Ashiya
Mr. Okure original image
Mr. Okure

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