๐Ÿ“œ Overview: The Others is an American TV series created by John Brancato and Michael Ferris, and produced by Delusional Films, NBC and DreamWorks Television. It ran for 13 40-minute episodes from February 5, 2000 to June 10, 2000, airing on NBC in the US, Five in the UK and on Nine in Australia. It concerned a group of people with various psychic talents as they encountered different, and often evil, paranormal forces, Essentially an ensemble show.
๐ŸŒ Languages Available: English
๐Ÿ“† Date Released:
โญ Vote Average: 6.083

Beloved Cast

Julianne Nicholson original image
Marian Kitt
Julianne Nicholson
Gabriel Macht original image
Dr. Mark Gabriel
Gabriel Macht
Missy Crider original image
Ellen Polaski
Missy Crider
Bill Cobbs original image
Elmer Greentree
Bill Cobbs
John Billingsley original image
Prof. Miles Ballard
John Billingsley
Kevin J. O'Connor original image
Warren Day
Kevin J. O'Connor
John Aylward original image
Albert McGonagle
John Aylward
Malin ร…kerman original image
Diane Stillman
Malin ร…kerman

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