π Overview:
Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety is an anime created by Rei Omishi, and it follows the journeys of an apprentice shinigami, or death god, named Risky and an apprentice angel named Safety who have been trapped in the same body. Whoever is in charge of the body depends on the emotions of those around them; if people are happy, then Safety appears, but if people are upset, then Risky takes charge.
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Beloved Cast
Kikuko Inoue
Yuya Fukami
Akiko Yajima
Fazzy Serges
Yuri Shiratori
Bezetto Serges
Kazuhiko Inoue
Suzuko Natsume
Yui Horie
Moe Katsuragi
Maaya Sakamoto
Kotone Ryuudou
Rumi Kasahara
Rie Iwatsubo
Rie Iwatsubo
Princess in Love
Emi Motoi
Yuya's Father
Koji Tobe
Moe's father
Masaya Onosaka
Moe's mother
Yuriko Yamaguchi