πŸ“œ Overview: Fireball is a series of CGI anime shorts created by Jinni's Animation Studios in conjunction with Disney. The designer is Hitoshi Fukuchi. It is animated entirely in 3D with no cel-shading of any sort, as would be typical for the medium. The show takes place in the distant future of the 49th millennium, and revolves around the happenings inside a giant manor inhabited by two robots; the gynoid duchess Drossel von FlΓΌgel and her massive cyclopian arachnoid servant, GedΓ€chtnis. The episodes are usually nonsensical in nature, normally showing the two characters making idle conversation in the midst of a war with humanity. A third character, a monkey-robot named "Schadenfreude", joins them later.
🌏 Languages Available: Japanese
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 7.0

Beloved Cast

Miyuki Kawasho original image
Miyuki Kawasho
Hiroshi Kamiya original image
Hiroshi Kamiya

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