π Overview:
The series follows Koichi Numakura, a young man seeking revenge against the yakuza, who took his mother from him. Inspired by the protagonist of Fist of the North Star, he dedicates himself to learning the fictional martial art of Hokuto Shinken. Along the way he learns that, while he can't actually kill people, he does have all the qualifications to become a top-tier masseur.
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Beloved Cast
Numakura Koichi
Ryuhei Matsuda
Sakamoto Rika
Nanase Nishino
Keiko Hisada
Kana Kurashina
Hiroshi Nakamura
Yuma Yamoto
Osamu Noda
Shigeru Saiki
Masanobu Katsumura
Katakorasu Yoshitomo
Toru Nomaguchi
Runa Sawamura
Airi Matsui
Numakura's mother
Mariko Tsutsui
Takeshi Kimura
Shido Nakamura