๐Ÿ“œ Overview: "The Way It Is," a Sunday night one-hour show, aired from September 1967 to June 1969. Under the executive production of Ross McLean, following the success of similar CBC programs, it attracted up to 60 contributors, aiming to challenge viewers with compelling content. Hosted by John Saywell and Barbara Frum, who honed her interviewing style here, it featured Patrick Watson, Warren Davis, Percy Saltzman, Ken Lefolii, Peter Desbarats, and Moses Znaimer. Segment producers like Perry Rosemond and Peter Herrndorf worked on the show, which covered diverse topics via studio interviews, music, commentary, panels, and documentaries. While not pushing controversy, it contributed to national dialogue. Notable productions included documentaries on airline safety and Vietnam, setting a serious tone for its era. Its influence extended to later CBC shows like the fifth estate and The Journal.
๐ŸŒ Languages Available: English
๐Ÿ“† Date Released:
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Beloved Cast

John Saywell original image
John Saywell
Barbara Frum original image
Barbara Frum
Patrick Watson original image
Patrick Watson
Warren Davis original image
Warren Davis
Percy Saltzman original image
Percy Saltzman
Ken Lefolii original image
Ken Lefolii
Peter Desbarats original image
Peter Desbarats
Moses Znaimer original image
Moses Znaimer

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