πŸ“œ Overview: A British television sitcom set in a comprehensive school named Galfast High. Two series written by Steven Moffat were broadcast on BBC1 in 1997. Like his earlier sitcom Joking Apart, it was produced by Andre Ptaszynski. The series focuses upon deputy headteacher Eric Slatt, permanently stressed over the chaos he creates both by himself and some of his eccentric staff. His wife Janet and new English teacher Suzy Travis attempt to help him solve the problems.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.8

Beloved Cast

David Bamber original image
Eric Slatt
David Bamber
Geraldine Fitzgerald original image
Janet Slatt
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Nicola Walker original image
Suzy Travis
Nicola Walker
Amanda Boxer original image
Amanda Trippley
Amanda Boxer
Duncan Preston original image
J.F. Kennedy
Duncan Preston
Martin Ball original image
Dan McGill
Martin Ball
John Grillo original image
Mr. Carkdale
John Grillo
John Wells original image
Richard Nixon
John Wells
Damien Matthews original image
Jason Cockfoster
Damien Matthews

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