πŸ“œ Overview: The series follows Barbara Palermo, a frustrated writer, and Pedro Guerra, a grumpy cop. Barbara and Peter met in high school when Barbara fell in love with him. She was an ugly, insecure girl who had always dreamed of being a great writer, while Pedro was a handsome guy, volleyball player, and flirtatious. After high school, each went their own way and they never met. Barbara eventually became a great writer, but under the pseudonym Paloma Paz, and sold hundreds of newsstand books. Pedro dreamed of joining the Brazilian volleyball team, but after an accident, his career went into decline, and he became a lonely and very closed man. The two meet again when an unexpected event involves both of them.
🌏 Languages Available: Portuguese
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 7.5

Beloved Cast

Chico Anysio original image
Padre Santo
Chico Anysio
Marcos Pasquim original image
Pedro Guerra / Tony Tijuana
Marcos Pasquim
Danielle Winits original image
BΓ‘rbara Palermo / Paloma Paz
Danielle Winits
Dani Valente original image
Valquiria (Val)
Dani Valente
Betty Lago original image
Delegada Marta Rocha
Betty Lago
Mouhamed Harfouch original image
Mouhamed Harfouch
Miguel Nader original image
Miguel Nader
Agles Steib original image
Agles Steib

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