📜 Overview: Me and Mrs. C is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from June 21, 1986 to July 4, 1987. The series stars Peg Murray as Mrs. Conklin, a money-strapped widow who, in order to avoid moving in with her son, decides to take a boarder into her picture-postcard suburban home, and Misha McK as Gerri Kilgore, the young black female boarder with a criminal record.
🌏 Languages Available: English
📆 Date Released:
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Beloved Cast

Peg Murray original image
Ethel 'Mrs. C' Conklin
Peg Murray
Misha McK original image
Gerri Kilgore
Misha McK
Gary Bayer original image
Ethan Conklin
Gary Bayer
Ellen Regan original image
Kathleen Conklin
Ellen Regan

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