πŸ“œ Overview: Desperate and terrified, Kotaro Minami escaped the clutches of the ancient secret society, Gorgomβ€”but in doing so, left behind his best friend and adoptive brother, Nobuhiko Akizuki. Both have been transformed into beings of immense power in order to serve Gorgom's dark purposes. If left unchecked, Gorgom will destroy humanity and eliminate all traces of its civilization and culture. Now the powerful cyborg known as Kamen Rider Black, Kotaro will use the powers Gorgom gave him to preserve justice and freedom, as well as to save his brother. But Gorgom has their own plans for Nobuhikoβ€”and if Kotaro can't save him, he may have to fight him!
🌏 Languages Available: Japanese
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 8.0

Beloved Cast

Tetsuo Kurata original image
Kotaro Minami / Kamen Rider Black
Tetsuo Kurata
Akemi Inoue original image
Kyoko Akizuki
Akemi Inoue
Ayumi Taguchi original image
Katsumi Kida
Ayumi Taguchi
Takahito Horiuchi original image
Nobuhiko Akizuki / Shadow Moon
Takahito Horiuchi
Shozo Iizuka original image
High Priest Darom / Grand Mutant Darom
Shozo Iizuka
Toshimichi Takahashi original image
High Priest Baraom / Grand Mutant Baraom
Toshimichi Takahashi
Hitomi Yoshii original image
High Priestess Bishum / Grand Mutant Bishum
Hitomi Yoshii
Jun Yoshida original image
Sword Saint Bilgenia
Jun Yoshida
Yoshie Sakata original image
Yoshie Sakata
Mari Kanda original image
Mari Kanda

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