πŸ“œ Overview: The Building is an American CBS television comedy that lasted only five episodes in 1993. Bonnie Hunt played Bonnie Kennedy, a commercial actress who was jilted by her fiance shortly before the show started and moved back to Chicago to pick up the pieces of her life in an apartment across from Wrigley Field. The series focused on Kennedy's struggles and the characters who lived in her apartment building. Making heavy use of Second City alum, the show was also filmed live; mistakes, accidents, and forgotten lines were often left in the aired episode.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.0

Beloved Cast

Mike Hagerty original image
Mike Hagerty
Bonnie Hunt original image
Bonnie Kennedy
Bonnie Hunt
Holly Wortell original image
Holly Wortell
Tom Virtue original image
Tom Virtue
Don Lake original image
Don Lake
Andy Dick original image
Andy Dick

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