πŸ“œ Overview: Chiller is a five-part British horror fantasy anthology television series, produced by Yorkshire Television, that first broadcast on ITV on 9 March 1995. Described by The Guardian as ITV's "answer to The X Files", the series was inspired by, but unconnected to, the 1991 Channel 4 thriller Gray Cray Dolls, which broadcast under the Chiller banner, the series featured writing contributions from renowned playwrights Stephen Gallagher, Glenn Chandler and Anthony Horowitz.
🌏 Languages Available: English , French
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.167

Beloved Cast

Rosemary Leach original image
Rosemary Leach
Nigel Havers original image
Nigel Havers
Tony Haygarth original image
Tony Haygarth
Sophie Ward original image
Sophie Ward
Zienia Merton original image
Zienia Merton

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