๐Ÿ“œ Overview: The New Adventures of He-Man is an animated series which ran in syndication in the fall of 1990 while Mattel released the toy line He-Man, an update of their successful Masters of the Universe line. The cartoon series was intended to be a continuation of Filmation's He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series.
๐ŸŒ Languages Available: English
๐Ÿ“† Date Released:
โญ Vote Average: 5.6

Beloved Cast

Scott McNeil original image
Scott McNeil
Ted Cole original image
Ted Cole
Michael Donovan original image
Michael Donovan
Campbell Lane original image
Campbell Lane
Mark Hildreth original image
Mark Hildreth
Venus Terzo original image
Venus Terzo
Alvin Sanders original image
Alvin Sanders
Don Brown original image
Don Brown
Doug Parker original image
Doug Parker
Garry Chalk original image
Garry Chalk

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