📜 Overview: Lorry was a TV series that premiered on Swedish TV in 1989, broadcast from restaurant Lorry in Sundbyberg. In the ensemble were Peter Dalle, Johan Ulveson, Claes Månsson, Lena Endre, Gunnel Fred, Gunilla Röör, Suzanne Reuter, Ulla Skoog, Evamaria Björkström-Roos and Stefan Sauk. They have also done a show on the Tyrol in 1991 and the movie Yrrol in 1994. The series was said to turn to a "divorced and mature youth", which was also the explanation for having the same title as a dancehall in Sundbyberg. Peter Dalle was the central figure behind Lorry. He wrote the most part of the material and also directed the fourth and last season. Carsten Palmaer, Sven-Hugo Persson and Rolf Börjlind also contributed to the script. The Lorry gang became famous for their sharp, offensive and politically incorrect humor, which even led to pressed charges to the broadcasting commission. The TV series's opening credits song was Earth, Wind & Fire's hit "In the stone". The Lorry gang returned in a variety show at the Oscar Theater in Stockholm and it became a huge hit with the audience in 2001–2002. Parts of the show were sketches taken from the TV series.
🌏 Languages Available: Swedish
📆 Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 5.8

Beloved Cast

Peter Dalle original image
Inventor / Various
Peter Dalle
Suzanne Reuter original image
Suzanne Reuter
Claes Månsson original image
Claes Månsson
Ulla Skoog original image
Ulla Skoog
Johan Ulveson original image
Uncle Bosse / Various
Johan Ulveson
Stefan Sauk original image
Man in the Room / Various
Stefan Sauk
Jörgen Lantz original image
Announcer (voice)
Jörgen Lantz

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