๐Ÿ“œ Overview: The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog, also known as Les Mystรจres d'Alfred, is an animated French-Canadian series that airs on several broadcast and cable networks around the world. The show's characters consist of mainly anthropomorphic woodland animals such as raccoons, moose, and voles. The show follows three anthropomorphic animal tweensโ€”Alfred Hedgehog, Milo Skunk, and Camille Wallabyโ€”as they solve mysteries in Gnarly Woods. In the US, Discovery Kids begin airing the series on March 17, 2010, with a St. Patrick's Day marathon of 19 episodes, starting from 6:00 am to 3:30 pm. The series returned on April 12, 2010, with its regular time slot, starting at 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm. As of November 2011, the show's reruns can be seen on TVOntario, TFO, VRT, TV3, qubo, and France 5.
๐ŸŒ Languages Available: English
๐Ÿ“† Date Released:
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Emma Taylor-Isherwood original image
Emma Taylor-Isherwood
Sugar Lyn Beard original image
Sugar Lyn Beard

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