📜 Overview: Kimihiro Watanuki is a high school student plagued by ayakashi spirits, both of which are invisible to everyone else but him. The series begins when Watanuki stumbles, seemingly by chance, into a shop that grants wishes. The shop is owned by Yūko Ichihara, a mysterious witch of many names and esoteric renown. For a price, she offers to grant Watanuki's wish to be rid of the spirits. The price, according to Yūko, must be of equal value; so, as payment, he must become Yūko's temporary, part-time cook and housekeeper.
🌏 Languages Available: Japanese
📆 Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 7.2

Beloved Cast

Jun Fukuyama original image
Kimihiro Watanuki (voice)
Jun Fukuyama
Sayaka Ohara original image
Yūko Ichihara (voice)
Sayaka Ohara
Hisayo Mochizuki original image
Moro (voice)
Hisayo Mochizuki
Kazuko Kojima original image
Maru (voice)
Kazuko Kojima

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