📜 Overview: The Wedge was an Australian sketch show created by Ian McFadyen and produced by Network Ten. The show's two seasons starred Dailan Evans, Adam Zwar, Jason Gann, Rebel Wilson, Kate Jenkinson, Katrina Mathers, Anthony Ahern and Julie Eckersley, with appearances from Julia Zemiro, Ross Daniels, Marney McQueen, Aidan Fennessy, Cori Hopper and Frieda McKenna. The main ensemble cast was joined in series two by Damian Callinan and Cal Wilson. It ran for two seasons, airing 2006 and 2007 and averaged a million viewers per episode through most of the first series. A spin-off mockumentary titled Marks Loves Sharon featuring one of the show's characters, Mark Wary (Jason Gann), was produced by Network Ten and premiered in June 2008.
🌏 Languages Available: English
📆 Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.0

Beloved Cast

Dailan Evans original image
Dailan Evans
Rebel Wilson original image
Various Characters
Rebel Wilson
Jason Gann original image
Jason Gann
Adam Zwar original image
Adam Zwar
Cal Wilson original image
Cal Wilson
Julia Zemiro original image
Julia Zemiro
Kate Jenkinson original image
Kate Jenkinson
Julie Eckersley original image
Julie Eckersley
Anthony Ahern original image
Anthony Ahern
Katrina Mathers original image
Katrina Mathers

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