๐Ÿ“œ Overview: Her life reads like a country music tune: her husband cheated on her and spent all of their money, and after she gets mad, she's going to get even.
๐ŸŒ Languages Available: English
๐Ÿ“† Date Released:
โญ Vote Average: 6.7

Beloved Cast

Reba McEntire original image
Reba Gallagher
Reba McEntire
Lily Tomlin original image
Lillie Mae MacKenzie
Lily Tomlin
Sara Rue original image
Kim Sallinger
Sara Rue
Justin Prentice original image
Cash Gallagher
Justin Prentice
Juliette Angelo original image
June Gallagher
Juliette Angelo
Jai Rodriguez original image
Jai Rodriguez

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