πŸ“œ Overview: Based on the real life and achievements of Dr. Kathy Magliato, this unique character-driven medical drama follows Dr. Alex Panttiere, an outspoken world-renowned heart-transplant surgeon and one of the few women in her field. Stubborn and fearless, Alex always operates on her own terms. Watch as she revels in a racy personal life, manages the daily demands of skeptical faculty and dutiful interns, and pushes the boundaries of medical science to impressive new heights.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.339

Beloved Cast

Melissa George original image
Dr. Alex Panttiere
Melissa George
Don Hany original image
Dr. Jessie Shane
Don Hany
Shelley Conn original image
Dr. Millicent Patel
Shelley Conn
Dave Annable original image
Dr. Pierce Harrison
Dave Annable
Maya Erskine original image
Nurse Ji-Sung
Maya Erskine
Rudy Martinez original image
Rudy Martinez
Jamie Kennedy original image
Dr. Callahan
Jamie Kennedy
JLouis Mills original image
JLouis Mills
Joshua Leonard original image
Joshua Leonard
D.L. Hughley original image
Dr. Hackett
D.L. Hughley
Caitlyn Larimore original image
Caitlyn Larimore
Bryan Espino original image
Bryan Espino
Issac Wolf original image
Issac Wolf

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