πŸ“œ Overview: At the dawn of time, the gods ruled the universe under the leadership of the mighty Tentei. But suddenly, the ferocious general, Taishakuten, appears, and destroys Tentei. Taishakuten declares that a new age has begun, and all who oppose him will die horribly. But legend says that a shimmering six-pointed star will rise into the heavens and restore the world to a golden age. The six points are six warriors, each with the power to move the stars and the hearts of all people...
🌏 Languages Available: Japanese
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 5.0

Beloved Cast

Tessyo Genda original image
Kōmoku-ten (voice)
Tessyo Genda
Norio Wakamoto original image
Taishakuten (voice)
Norio Wakamoto
Yasunori Matsumoto original image
Kujaku (voice)
Yasunori Matsumoto
Kappei Yamaguchi original image
Ryū-ō (voice)
Kappei Yamaguchi
Satomi Korogi original image
Aizen (voice)
Satomi Korogi
Toshiko Fujita original image
Shashi-ō (voice)
Toshiko Fujita
Yusaku Yara original image
Zōchō-ten / Narrator (voices)
Yusaku Yara
Koji Tsujitani original image
Ten-ō (voice)
Koji Tsujitani
Kenyu Horiuchi original image
Bishamon-ten (voice)
Kenyu Horiuchi
Show Hayami original image
Yasha-ō (voice)
Show Hayami
Mika Doi original image
Kuyō / Hanranya (voices)
Mika Doi
Arisa AndΓ΄ original image
Kendappa-ō (voice)
Arisa AndΓ΄
Yuriko Yamamoto original image
Sōma (voice)
Yuriko Yamamoto
Hideyuki Tanaka original image
Ashura-ō (voice)
Hideyuki Tanaka
Kazue Ikura original image
Ashura (voice)
Kazue Ikura

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