πŸ“œ Overview: A story of love, friendship, survival and triumph spanning five decades from the Texas Revolution through the Civil War, Reconstruction and beyond.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.7

Beloved Cast

Angelina Jolie original image
Georgia Virginia Lawshe Woods
Angelina Jolie
Dana Delany original image
Sarah McClure
Dana Delany
Annabeth Gish original image
Euphemia Ashby (adult)
Annabeth Gish
Tina Majorino original image
Young Euphemia Ashby
Tina Majorino
Rachael Leigh Cook original image
Georgia Lawshe (young)
Rachael Leigh Cook
Michael York original image
Lewis Lawshe
Michael York
Tony Todd original image
Ed Tom
Tony Todd
Michael Greyeyes original image
Michael Greyeyes
Powers Boothe original image
Bartlett McClure
Powers Boothe
Irene Bedard original image
Irene Bedard
Charles S. Dutton original image
Charles S. Dutton
Salli Richardson-Whitfield original image
Salli Richardson-Whitfield
John Schneider original image
Sam Houston
John Schneider
Julie Carmen original image
Cherokee Lawshe
Julie Carmen
Jeffrey Nordling original image
Dr. Peter Woods
Jeffrey Nordling
Matthew Glave original image
William King
Matthew Glave
Miles Fisher original image
Young Travis McClure
Miles Fisher

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