πŸ“œ Overview: Luna Mystika is a Filipino fantasy/romace drama created by RJ Nuevas, directed by Michael Tuviera and Gil Tejada, Jr., produced and aired by GMA Network. The series starred Heart Evangelista in the title role, with Mark Anthony Fernandez as the leading man. The series premiered on November 17, 2008 and concluded on March 6, 2009. It was aired internationally with a two-day delay on GMA Pinoy TV. Three years after the series ended, GMA Network makes its sequel entitled Luna Blanca. It is a three-generational drama which featured three generations of actresses for the title roles. On its first book, child stars Jillian Ward and Mona Louise Rey play the roles of Luna and Blanca respectively. On the second part, teen stars Bea Binene and Barbie Forteza will play the roles respectively. On the third book, which will covers the womanhood stage, actresses Bianca King and Heart Evangelista will play the roles of Luna and Blanca respectively.
🌏 Languages Available: English , Tagalog
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Beloved Cast

Heart Evangelista original image
Luna Sagrado-Samaniego / Celestina Sagrado
Heart Evangelista
Mark Anthony Fernandez original image
Dexter Samaniego
Mark Anthony Fernandez
Vaness del Moral original image
Luna/Celestina Shadow
Vaness del Moral
Dante Rivero original image
Joaquin Sagrado / Agnon
Dante Rivero
Chanda Romero original image
Benita Sagrado
Chanda Romero
Sheryl Cruz original image
Alice Sagrado
Sheryl Cruz
Romnick Sarmenta original image
Dominic Samaniego
Romnick Sarmenta
Rita Avila original image
Diana Sagrado
Rita Avila
Gardo Versoza original image
Dante / Sikano
Gardo Versoza
Ariel Rivera original image
Simon Samaniego / Ybarra Montecillo
Ariel Rivera
Iwa Moto original image
Donita Sagrado
Iwa Moto
Adrian Alandy original image
Adrian Alandy
Kris Bernal original image
Kris Bernal
Aljur Abrenica original image
Aljur Abrenica
Hero Angeles original image
Hero Angeles
Bearwin Meily original image
Bearwin Meily
John Lapus original image
John Lapus
Mark Herras original image
Mark Herras
Michelle Madrigal original image
Michelle Madrigal
Pauleen Luna original image
Pauleen Luna
Jade Lopez original image
Jade Lopez

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