📜 Overview: The plot of the animated series "Tsarevna" is based on the adventures of five girls, whose images are based on the heroines of Russian folk tales familiar from childhood. Each of them – Princess Varvara, the Beauty of the Long Braid, Vasilisa, the Frog Princess, Daria, the Princess Nesmeyana, Princess Elena the Beautiful and Sleeping Princess Sonya - has amazing magical power, but does not yet know how to control it. In order to learn how to use their abilities, they arrive on the magical island of Divnogorye, where they will be taught by the great wizard Koschei the Immortal.
🌏 Languages Available: Russian
📆 Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 8.0

Beloved Cast

Yekaterina Gorokhovskaya original image
Yekaterina Gorokhovskaya
Yuliya Rudina original image
Yuliya Rudina
Natalya Tereshkova original image
Natalya Tereshkova

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