πŸ“œ Overview: Based on the longest-running web-based comic series "Ma Eum Ui Sori" in Korea, "Sound of your heart" is a story about Cho Seok, an aspiring comic writer, and his strange family.
🌏 Languages Available: Korean
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.0

Beloved Cast

Sung Hoon original image
Jo Suk
Sung Hoon
Kwon Yu-ri original image
Choi Ae Bong
Kwon Yu-ri
Shim Hye-jin original image
Jo Suk's Mother
Shim Hye-jin
Tae Hang-ho original image
Jo Joon
Tae Hang-ho
Ju Jin-mo original image
Jo Suk's Father
Ju Jin-mo
Ji Soo-won original image
Ae Bong's mother
Ji Soo-won
Park Cheol-min original image
Ae Bong's father
Park Cheol-min
Kim Sung-Won original image
Boo Wook
Kim Sung-Won
Kang Yoon original image
Kang Yoon
Bae Yoon-kyung original image
Sook Ja
Bae Yoon-kyung
Seo Eun-ah original image
Tae Hee
Seo Eun-ah

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