πŸ“œ Overview: When the patriarch of a mega-rich Southern family, famed for creating a wildly successful Christian television network, dies in a plane crash, his wife and family are stunned to learn that he fathered three illegitimate children, all of whom are written into his will, threatening their family name and fortune.
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.8

Beloved Cast

Kim Cattrall original image
Margaret Monreaux
Kim Cattrall
Melia Kreiling original image
Ginger Sweet
Melia Kreiling
Aubrey Dollar original image
Rose Monreaux
Aubrey Dollar
Corey Cott original image
Eric Monreaux
Corey Cott
Benjamin Levy Aguilar original image
Antonio Rivera
Benjamin Levy Aguilar
Mark L. Young original image
Jason Conley
Mark L. Young
Olivia Macklin original image
Becky Monreaux
Olivia Macklin
Steve Harris original image
Franklin Lee
Steve Harris
Aaron Lazar original image
Paul Luke Thomas
Aaron Lazar
Gerald McRaney original image
Eugene Monreaux
Gerald McRaney

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