πŸ“œ Overview: Band of Gold is a British drama series written by Kay Mellor and produced by Granada Television. It was originally shown on ITV between 1995 and 1997. Starring Geraldine James, Cathy Tyson, Barbara Dickson and Samantha Morton, the series revolves around the lives of a group of women who live and work in Bradford's red-light district. Three seasons of Band of Gold were produced (the third under the moniker of Gold, with only a small number of characters from the first two series).
🌏 Languages Available: English
πŸ“† Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 5.9

Beloved Cast

Geraldine James original image
Rosemary "Rose" Garrity
Geraldine James
Cathy Tyson original image
Carol Johnson
Cathy Tyson
Samantha Morton original image
Tracy Richards
Samantha Morton
Barbara Dickson original image
Anita Braithwaite
Barbara Dickson
Ray Stevenson original image
Steve Dickson
Ray Stevenson
Tony Doyle original image
George Ferguson
Tony Doyle
David Schofield original image
DCI David Newhall
David Schofield

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