📜 Overview:
The series revolves around the lives of Ukrainian teenagers in a secondary school class. The teenagers struggle with bullying, including the Blue Whale Challenge, lack of parental support, suicidal behavior, LGBT identity crises-a subject that is rarely portrayed on Ukrainian television-alcoholic parents, and speech disabilities. In one of the show's main plot lines, the main characters are stalked on the Internet by an anonymous person who pretends to be their friend.
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Кіра Зотова
Viktoriia Lytvynenko
Олексій Сметанін
Oleksandr Rudynskyi
Іван Кожух
Oleh Hotsuliak
Альбіна Харткіпер
Taisiya Shchuruk
Єгор Калита
Oleksandr Begma
Карина Вознюк
Anastasiia Pustovit
Костянтин Потороча
Serhii Kyiashko
Назар Левицький
Maksym Devizorov
Дмитро Бевза
Vitalii Salii