📜 Overview: BBC comedy-drama series about the life of Reg Toomer (Tim Healy), an ex-pat Briton living in Australia and running Melbourne Confidential, a failing private detective agency with his shifty business partner Dennis Tontine. His estranged young cousin Leslie arrives in Melbourne from the United Kingdom after a painful divorce looking for fun and excitement in the new world, instead he finds himself used as a drone for Melbourne Confidential.
🌏 Languages Available: English
📆 Date Released:
⭐ Vote Average: 6.0

Beloved Cast

Tim Healy original image
Reg Toomer
Tim Healy
Chris Haywood original image
Chris Haywood
Kirsty Child original image
Kirsty Child
Kris McQuade original image
Kris McQuade
Nadine Garner original image
Arlene Toomer
Nadine Garner

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